God Damn I Missed This Feeling
The hiatus is over!!!! … Even if the pandemic isn’t.
I’m happy to share that I was just recently featured in a cabaret with GOOD THEATER in Portland, ME called BROADWAY GOES POP! It was a short two week run that had its own speed bumps thanks to Covid, but it was a blast and I can’t even begin to talk about how amazing it feels to be back on stage.
Normally I wouldn’t rant too much about a performance, but this was different because I almost forgot what it was like to feel the pre-show excitement. It’s hard to put words to it, but it makes me think of characters in stories. There’s a god in Norse mythology that cannot feel pain, in fact he cannot feel anything. When the protection spell is finally broken he loses his mind in the avalanche of ecstasy he experiences when he can finally feel again. He can feel the wind on his bare chest, the snow on the ground, and the pain of a fight to the death.
I was reminded of what it felt like to be an ape that is being watched by other apes… The adrenaline. The fight-or-flight mechanism firing. The rush of it all. I turned to my fellow performer backstage and noticed we were both going through this together. “What a gift this is,” I said to her.
What a gift indeed, to feel alive.