
A collection of poems over the course of a few months coming towards the end 2016. As the Like A Drug collection, these poems were written in the madness of losing myself in another human being. Glad to leave this frame of mind far behind…

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John Furey
In The Depths of Cringe

Day 1:

    Thursday the 23rd: This marked the beginning of a weekend of debauchery, manic behavior, drugs, alcohol, and yes, anime. This, the fourth weekend of June, is a time annually reserved by sweaty, neckbeard sporting, introverted creatures to meekly wander from the depths of their basement dwellings and migrate to the Double Tree Hotel in South Portland, ME. This is PortCon. 

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John Furey
Where Am I?

What is this place where I don't recognize a face — without any trace of where I’ve been or where I’m going? Am I lost?

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John Furey